Mugcake Nutella Cookies. My Nutella mug cake dessert is perfect for after-school snack time, great for sleepovers, and ready any time you want to indulge yourself. Don't take my word for it, make it and taste for yourself. With ingredients you probably already have on hand, this is a perfect sweet treat for one.
We're still on Mug Cake week!
This was one of my favorites.
And I don't even like Nutella.
Vous pouvez avoir Mugcake Nutella Cookies using 9 ingrédients et 3 pas. Voici comment réussir ça.
Ingrédients de Mugcake Nutella Cookies
- C'est 4 cs de farine.
- Préparez 1 cs de cacao non sucré.
- C'est 2 cs de sucre en poudre.
- Vous avez besoin 1 de oeuf.
- C'est 45 g de beurre fondu.
- C'est 3 cs de lait.
- Préparez 1 cc de levure chimique.
- Vous avez besoin 100 g de Nutella.
- Vous avez besoin de Cookies.
The kids love the stuff, Peanut Butter and Nutella sandwiches, spread on a. This Nutella mug cake is fudgy, gooey and such a delicious chocolate single serving cake! Serve it with ice cream, or an extra drizzle of Nutella. It's rich, dense, chocolatey and everything a flourless cake should be.
Mugcake Nutella Cookies instructions
- Tout d’abord, il vous faudra beurrer les 2 mug. Ensuite, mélanger les ingrédients secs dans un petit saladier : la farine,la levure, le cacao, le sucre, puis ajouter l’oeuf, le lait, le beurre et la pâte à tartiner..
- Mélangez bien, la pâte doit être lisse. Verser la préparation dans les 2 tasses, puis cuire 1 min 30 à 650W..
- Laisser refroidir, saupoudrer de cookies et déguster.
Try making this easy microwave mug cake with storecupboard ingredients. How to make nutella mug cake. Measure the ingredients in a large bowl (or alternatively divide in half into two greased mugs.) Whisk until the mixture is smooth and well combined without any clumps or flour streaks; Microwave until the cake rises and becomes cooked through. Don't over mix the cake batter. Combine all ingredients in an oversized mug or heatproof bowl.