Tartiflette. Place the potatoes in the pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Remove bacon; pour off bacon fat. Tartiflette (French pronunciation: [taʁtiˈflɛt]) is a dish from Savoy in the Alps.
Spread the crème fraiche over the top and.
The recipe was a great success.
The name "tartiflette" may have been derived from the Piedmontese word for potato "tartiflâ".
Vous pouvez cuisiner Tartiflette using 6 ingrédients et 9 pas. Voici comment cuisiner que.
Ingrédients de Tartiflette
- Vous avez besoin 800 g de pommes de terres.
- Vous avez besoin 200 g de lardons.
- C'est 3 de oignons.
- Préparez 100 g de crème fraîche légère 15%.
- Préparez 200 g de reblochon.
- Vous avez besoin de Sel / poivre.
Great wheels of raclette, pungent fondues with sharp little pickles, squares of buckwheat pasta draped in bubbling beaufort - and, best of all, the humble tartiflette: a potato gratin that is a. Tartiflette Tartiflette Tartiflette aux endives Tartiflette de poireaux Tartiflette au munster Tartiflette au camembert Tartiflette aux topinambours Tartiflette aux courgettes Tartiflette au munster rapide Tartiflette à l'andouillette Tartiflette aux carottes Tartiflette au curry Tartiflette aux poivrons This hearty Tartiflette recipe from chef Steve Groves is a combination of onions, potatoes, bacon, cream and Reblochon cheese. Hailing from Savoy in the French Alps, it's an incredible dish to serve in cold weather (or if you're in the mood for something rich and filling). It was created by the union of Reblochon cheesemakers in order to increase the cheese's popularity.
Tartiflette instructions
- Préchauffer le four à 240°C (th.8)..
- Faire cuire les pommes de terre pendant 30/35 minutes..
- Couper les oignons, et les faites revenir dans une poêle, y ajouter les lardons..
- Éplucher et couper en rondelles les pommes de terre..
- Couper le reblochon en fine lamelles dans le sens de l’épaisseur (sans enlever la croûte).
- Les disposer dans un plat à gratin, et commencer les étages successifs..
- Les étages dans l’ordre sont pommes de terre; mélange oignons / lardons ; crème fraîche ; reblochon..
- Finissez le dernier étages en recouvrant avec du reblochon, puis mettre au four pendant 20 minutes..
- Servir chaud, accompagné d’une petite salade verte..
Tartiflette is a cheesy French potato casserole, slathered in a cheesy cream sauce, dotted with crispy bacon, and topped with baked with typically Reblochon Cheese on top. It's typically served as a main course "apres-ski" but I think it makes for a fabulous holiday side dish. Tartiflette is a community recipe submitted by leiladukes and has not been tested by Nigella.com so we are not able to answer questions regarding this recipe. Boil the sliced potatoes until al dente, drain and set aside. Meanwhile fry the onions and garlic in a small amount of olive oil (the fat rendered from the bacon later and the richness of.