Recette: Délicieux Salade aubergine

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Salade aubergine. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Salade aubergine, Salade, Aubergine. Top and tail the aubergines and quarter them lengthways. This mouthwatering vegetarian dish is made up of aubergines, crushed garlic, red wine vinegar and mixed herbs.

Salade aubergine You can make it chunky or smooth, use it as a dip, side or spread. Whichever way, it's easy and delicious. Combine them together and you have a winner of a salad! Vous pouvez cuisiner Salade aubergine using 6 ingrédients et 2 pas. Voici comment cuisiner que.

Ingrédients de Salade aubergine

  1. Vous avez besoin 2 de aubergines.
  2. Préparez 2 de tomates.
  3. C'est 2 de oignons.
  4. Vous avez besoin 1 cc de d'ail pile.
  5. C'est 1 cs de harissa.
  6. C'est de huile d'olive.

Simplicity is the key to this dish that allows the flavours of the ingredients to shine through. It's great with grilled meats; You can prepare the vegetables in advance and serve at room temperature, or just toss them on the barbecue for added smokiness.. This Mediterranean grilled eggplant salad recipe is simple: grilled eggplant and tomatoes with a yogurt mint sauce. But it's one of those recipes where the sum of its parts is greater than the whole.

Salade aubergine étape par étape

  1. Dans une casserole faire revenir les oignons coupés finement dans de l'huile.
  2. Ajouter les aubergines préalablement coupées en lamelles puis les tomates laisser revenir à feu doux jusqu'a l'obtention de cette couleur (voir photo).

Serve it as a side dish alongside burgers or chicken; it's simple to throw the eggplant and tomatoes onto the already hot grill. Anthocyanins, found in aubergine, could protect heart health; Plus, some research has shown that they may aid in lowering LDL cholesterol levels. So this summer is the perfect time to start adding more aubergine into your diet! Start with this amazing eggplant salad. Mix in cooled eggplant mixture, tossing lightly (add extra-virgin olive oil, salt, or fresh lemon juice if desired to adjust consistency to your taste).